First Capital Command (PCC)

Por equipe do Dicionário de Favelas Marielle Franco
Revisão de 17h39min de 26 de novembro de 2024 por Kharinegil (discussão | contribs) (Criou página com 'This entry is a translation of Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC)'''.''' '''First Capital Command''' / '''Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC)''' is one of the largest criminal organizations in Brazil, primarily operating in the state of São Paulo, but also throughout the entire country, as well as in neighboring countries such as Paraguay, Bolivia, Colombia, and Venezuela. It has around 30,000 members, with 8,000 located solely in São Paulo. '''Author:''' Mairon Aze...')
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This entry is a translation of Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC).

First Capital Command / Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC) is one of the largest criminal organizations in Brazil, primarily operating in the state of São Paulo, but also throughout the entire country, as well as in neighboring countries such as Paraguay, Bolivia, Colombia, and Venezuela. It has around 30,000 members, with 8,000 located solely in São Paulo.

Author: Mairon Azevedo; Dicionário de Favelas Marielle Franco.

About[editar | editar código-fonte]

The organization is primarily funded by drug trafficking, but cargo theft, bank robberies, and kidnappings also contribute to its revenue. The group is present in 90% of the state's prisons, and the private dealings of its leaders and the faction itself have an estimated revenue of at least 400 million reais per year, according to police intelligence. Some police officers and prosecutors believe that this number could reach around 800 million reais.

The group was founded on August 31, 1993, at the Taubaté Penitentiary Rehabilitation Center in the Vale do Paraíba region, 130 km from the city of São Paulo. This facility housed prisoners transferred for being considered high-risk by the authorities. It is estimated that today the group has around 6,000 members within the penitentiary system, and another 2,600 members at large, solely in the state of São Paulo. The PCC is also identified by the numbers 15.3.3, because the letter "P" was the 15th letter of the Portuguese alphabet at the time and the letter "C" was the third.

Several former leaders of the organization are imprisoned, including criminal Marcos Willians Herbas Camacho (known as Marcola), who served a 44-year sentence, primarily for bank robbery, at the Presidente Venceslau Penitentiary Rehabilitation Center, where the faction's entire leadership was incarcerated, until he was transferred along with 21 other PCC criminals to federal maximum-security prisons in Porto Velho (RO), Mossoró (RN), and Brasília (DF) on February 13, 2019.

External links[editar | editar código-fonte]

CV PCC - A Irmandade do Crime

A guerra: a ascensão do PCC e o mundo do crime no Brasil

See also[editar | editar código-fonte]