Help the favelas fight Covid19: mudanças entre as edições

Por equipe do Dicionário de Favelas Marielle Franco
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Linha 303: Linha 303:
<span lang="EN-US" style="font-size:10.0pt"><span style="line-height:115%">On behalf of: Cíntia Roberta Coelho Santana</span></span>
<span lang="EN-US" style="font-size:10.0pt"><span style="line-height:115%">On behalf of: Cíntia Roberta Coelho Santana</span></span>

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=== '''<span lang="EN-US" style="font-size:15.0pt"><span style="line-height:160%">Casa Amarela Providência</span></span>''' ===
=== '''<span lang="EN-US" style="font-size:15.0pt"><span style="line-height:160%">Casa Amarela Providência</span></span>''' ===

Edição das 18h05min de 14 de maio de 2020

The Dictionary of Favelas Marielle Franco team is committed to fighting Covid19 in the favelas and outskirts of Brazilian cities. We aim to draw attention to the specific needs of the favelas during the pandemic.

In this page, we gather local initiatives by collectives in the favelas: food, hygiene items, mineral water and donations to support the communities in these hard times. Find out more by scrolling the page down! Donate and strengthen solidarity networks at this difficult time.

Access also

Favelas in Rio de Janeiro

The Marielle Franco Institute’s Mapping out of the Covid19 in the favelas 

This map shows the initiatives to combat the Covid19 in Brazilian favelas and oustkirts of Brazilian cities. This section displays the favelas from Rio de Janeiro 


Complexo do Alemão (RJ)

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In the Favela do Alemão, collectives and community leaders have gathered since 2013 to share experiences, monitor the situation of the favelas and work as whistleblowers to the development of the Alemão Complex.

In order to fight the coronavirus, we accept donations, which will go to the production of informative leaflets, drinkable water, sanitizer, food and other initiatives to prevent the proliferation of the coronavirus.


List of collectives in the campaigns

Coletivo Papo Reto

Voz das Comunidades

MEAA - Mulheres em Ação do Alemão


Ocupa Alemão

Instituto Raízes em Movimento


DONATIONS via bank deposit:

On behalf of the Instituto Raízes em Movimento:

CNPJ: 06.985.542/0001-47

Bank: Bradesco


Branch: 2043

Current account number: 36614-5 

Contact telephone: 55 21 99311-9672


On behalf of the Associação Coletivo Papo Reto:

CNPJ: 33.517.057/0001-11

Bank: Banco Santander

Swift Code: SCBLUS33XXX

Branch: 0925

Current account: 13001139-8

Contact telephone: 55 21 98501-2080


On behalf of the NGO Voz das Comunidades

CNPJ 21.317.767/0001-19

Bank: Caixa Econômica Federal


Branch: 0198

Current account: 3021-2 - Operation: 03


On behalf of the EDUCAP - Espaço Democrático de União, Convivência, Aprendizagem e Prevenção

CNPJ: 14.537.014/0001-53

Bank: Caixa Econômica Federal (bank number 104)



Currentaccount: 00001445-7   Operation number: 001

Contact telephone: 55 21-988323246


Escola Quilombista Dandara de Palmares / Ocupa Alemão

Bank: Itaú


On behalf of: Leonardo C de Souza

CPF (taxpayer registry number ): 115.298.377-66

Branch: 0778

Account: 11505 5


Food donations

●    Escola Quilombista Dandara de Palmares / Ocupa Alemão

contact telephone: 55 21 98962-9804 (Léo)

●    Casa Voz

contact telephone: 55 21 96463-2334 (Marcella)

●    EDUCAP - Espaço Democrático de União, Convivência, Aprendizagem e Prevenção

Address: Rua Canitar s/n Campo do Sargento Inhaúma

contact telephone: 55 21-988323246  (Lúcia)


Maré (Rio de Janeiro)

At the Maré Favela Complex, the community created a campaign to inform the population about the Covid19.  The organizers consider local communication strategies a crucial tool to inform about the risks of the pandemic since not everyone has access to mass media. Besides, the favela has difficulty abiding by the self-isolation rules, a problem that has been addressed by initiatives such as putting on banners, posters in public spaces, renting sound equipped cars to go around the favelas giving instructions and radio programs.

Make a donation!

Bank: Banco do Brasil


Branch: 0249-6

Account: 112.897-3

On behalf of: Gizele de Oliveira Martins

CPF (tax payer registry number may also be needed for international operations) :11041944730

You can also donate through theVakinha (CLICK ON THE LINK)

Contact us for doubts or to send bank receipts:

Maré no COVID.jpg

Collective campaign -  Alemão and Maré

Food and cleaning/sanitizing materials for the favela residents can be donated through the link below


The Maré Network

The Maré Network was created by residents and consists of social projects that benefit 4,500 of its 140,000 residents. Education, art, culture memory, public safety and local development seek to overcome the historic inequality that the favelas face. With a special focus on children, women and the youth, the Maré Network campaign is targeted at institutions and individuals who can donate materials and money to support the Maré residents during the pandemic.

Donate today!

On behalf of: Associação Redes de Desenvolvimento da Maré

CNPJ (taxpayer registry number) : 08934089/0001-75

Bank: Banco do Brasil; Swift Code: BRASBRRJXXX;  Bank number: 001;  Branch: 0576-2;  Current account: 160568-2

Bank: Banco Itaú S/A; Swift Code: ITAUBRSPXXX; Bank number: 341;  Branch: 0023;  Current account: 54338-2

The project’s website will publicize the list of donators.


Santa Marta

Support to the Santa Marta families

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The Covid19 has spread drastically in Rio de Janeiro as an unprecedented tragedy. It threatens the lives of 2 million residents of the favelas, who are even more vulnerable given their difficulty to follow the standard procedures of self-isolation and sanitization. This project has been created by volunteer teachers and self employed professionals to help 50 families from Santa Marta, for three months, with a focus on elderly people, mother-only families and children.

The community leader and president of the Association School Without Walls, Itamar Silva, will be in charge.

Donate Today!

On behalf of: Associação Escola Sem Muros – Grupo ECO

CNPJ (taxpayer registry number): 32.436.458/0001-84

Bank: Banco do Brasil


Branch: 1569-5



Santa Marta Community Center

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Sanitization in Santa Marta

Over the last weeks the City Halls started prevention and disinfection procedures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in downtown Rio de Janeiro, near the ferry boats, the subways and areas of intense transit. Why not use them in the favelas as well?


We are doing it ourselves!

Through donations and volunteer work, we have been able to take preventive actions of disinfection of streets, alley ways and the Santa Marta ferry. We need cleaning and hygiene materials and personal protection equipment (EPI) for volunteers.

Higienização St Marta.jpg

Contact telephone: Thiago Firmino - 55 21 99177-9459

Find out how to donate by clicking here.clique aqui.


Manguinhos (RJ)

The Social Forum of Manguinhos

We are accepting donations of food and personal hygiene supplies for individual and common use.

To support this initiative , contact Rachel on the Social Forum of Manguinhos' page. She is the head of the Forum.

You may also support the more vulnerable families by donating money. Transfers can be made to:


Bank: Banco Itaú


Branch 6009 / Savings Account: 459774


 If you need any additional information, please contact us.


Solidarity in Manguinhos

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This is another COVID-19 solidarity response by local leaders in Manguinhos. They are accepting donations for  personal hygiene supplies and food. Donations can be made through bank transfer as follows:. More information:

Bank: Banco do Brasil


Branch: 4220-x

Account: 11247-x

*You may have to replace the x with a zero (0)


CPF (taxpayer registry number): 13020078741

Campanha de Solidariedade feita por trabalhadores da Fiocruz para apoiar moradores de Manguinhos

We are a group of workers from Fiocruz that came together to promote  solidarity  in Manguinhos, in Rio de Janeiro.

Since social distancing has been the main strategy to stop the spread of COVID-19, thousands of informal workers have no income and are unable to provide for themselves and their families.

That’s why we are organising a fundraising campaign. The fund will enable us to buy household essentials, such as food, hygiene and cleaning supplies, for residents of Manguinhos.

We count on your solidarity!

Providência (RJ)

Rolé dos Favelados

Donate food and hygiene supplies for individual and common use!

To support this initiative, contact  Cosme on “Role dos Favelados” Facebook page. Cosme is the community leader and a tourist guide at Primeira Favella in Role dos Favelados..

Between heaven and the favela (Entre o Céu e a Favela)

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We need to come together to face this serious challenge!

We are stronger together!

We’ve been working in Morro da Providência for the last nine years. Now, the favelas need support. We are promoting a campaign to collect household essentials, such as soap, hand sanitizers and food and to raise funds.

We are grateful for the support we’ve received so far.

Telephone contact: 55 21 982468673

Bank: Caixa Econômica Federal


Branch: 2387

Savings account: 00003290-8

CPF (taxpayer registry number): 105.157.687-31

On behalf of: Cíntia Roberta Coelho Santana


Casa Amarela Providência

Another COVID-19 solidarity response accepting donations in Providencia is Casa Amarela.

Visit their Facebook page for more information!

Donate today!

On behalf of: Casa Amarela

Bank: Bradesco


Branch: 0448

Current account: 12520-2

CNPJ (taxpayer registry number): 25.144.594/0001-35


SOS Port Zone Communities

The communities of the Port Zone in Rio de Janeiro face greater risks of transmission, mainly in the more vulnerable areas where there is no access to clean water and also because there are no local markets within the communities, nor in nearby regions (the last market, in Senador Pompeu, closed down early this the year).

The challenge to practice social distancing is enormous. To prevent the entrance and exit in the favelas, we need help to provide essential food supplies. Moreover, there is also the shortage of money, which is reality for most people in the community, especially now that informal workers cannot work.

Regions in the focus of response: Morro da Providência, Morro do Pinto and Morro da Conceição.

To access the fund raising campaign Click here

Ilha do Governador


In our first week of response, 23 families were helped!

Donate any amount so we can buy food and hygiene supplies, which will be distributed in the favelas of Ilha do Governador:



Branch: 6689-3

Current account: 0005452-6

On behalf of: Camila Valente de Souza

CPF (taxpayer registry number): 14517033767




Branch: 3652-8

Current account: 64364-5

On behalf of: Sthefani Coutinho Assis dos Santos

CPF (taxpayer registry number): 132078957-94


Contact us:


55 21 98040-8277

55 21 99682-7408

Instagram: @nucleo8demarco

Chapéu Mangueira / Babilônia (RJ)

Corona no Chapeu.jpeg


Support the favelas of Babilônia and Chapéu Mangueira

Let’s stop the spread of coronavirus in the favelas.

We need:

Hygiene supplies (masks, hand sanitizers, soap, etc)

Food (rice, beans, etc.)


Contact information:

VALDINEI MEDINA – 55 21 99888-6649 (Whatsapp)

ADRIANO PARAISO – 55 21 97921-4486 (Whatsapp)


 Cidade de Deus (RJ)

CEACC - Centro de Estudos e Ações Culturais de Cidadania




In Cidade de Deus, the response to control and fight COVID-19 are carried out with the support of CEACC. To help, contact us on 55 21 99145-2690. Your donations will help us


  • Collect and distribute household essentials: food, hygiene and cleaning supplies.
  • Implement educational actions to spread responsible attitudes against the pandemic.

You can help from home! We are together against the virus!

Bank: Caixa Econômica Federal


Branch: 4063

Current account: 00000603/2

CNPJ (taxpayer registry number): 04.858.743/0001-58

On behalf of Centro de Estudos e Ações Culturais e de Cidadania

The Marginal Collective

Response campaign organized by Coletivo Marginal to collect hygiene supplies in Cidade de Deus

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Campanha organizada pelo coletivo Marginal para arrecadação na região da Cidade de Deus



Hello folks!

We need to come together and take a lot of care at this moment. That’s why we need your help:

Stay at home, if possible.

Wash your hands and avoid physical contact with our elders.

Fundraising campaign

We know there are a lot of places that need support in our favela; that’s why we’ve organized this fundraising campaign. We need donations of household essentials, such as cleaning and personal hygiene supplies.

Contact information:

Samantha M. 55 21 99753-9390

Jota Marques 55 21 97556-4538

Vitor Andrade 55 21 98433-4828

The Cidade de Deus and All of Us!

We know that coronavirus pandemic will hit the more vulnerable people the hardest. they’re less likely to practice social distancing and be denied access to essential healthcare.

They are also those who suffer the most!

When there are jobs: They can’t stay at home because their bosses won’t allow it.

When there are no jobs: They can’t choose but to go out looking for one.

So, how can they support themselves and their families?


Contact information:

JOTA 55 21 97556-4538

SAMANTHA 55 21 99753-9390