Socio-spatial segregation in Manaus: mudanças entre as edições

Por equipe do Dicionário de Favelas Marielle Franco
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  Entry translated by ChatGPT, originally published in Portuguese [ in here].
[[File:Variação dos tecidos da Zona Leste.jpg|thumb|center|500px|Variação de tecidos urbanos na Zona Centro-Sul. Lado a lado, áreas verticalizadas e de casario baixo.]]
[[File:Variação dos tecidos da Zona Leste.jpg|thumb|center|500px|Variation of urban fabrics in the Central-South Zone. Side by side, high-rise areas and areas with low-rise buildings|alt=]]

== Sobre ==
== About ==
As favelas na cidade do Manaus começaram a ter início no final do século XIX, quando várias transformações sócio-econômicas pelas quais o Brasil passava e transformações locais começaram a inchar a área central da cidade, formando os primeiros aglomerados subnormais.
The favelas in the city of Manaus began to emerge in the late 19th century, as several socio-economic transformations that Brazil was going through and local changes began to cause overcrowding in the city's central area, forming the first subnormal agglomerates.

Em 350 anos, Manaus conseguiu desenvolvimento, mas o crescimento sem planejamento e desordenado provocou uma série de problemas ambientais na cidade. Várias áreas de Manaus surgiram e se tornaram bairros após terras públicas e particulares serem invadidas. Um problema histórico que teve como estopim a falta de moradias populares. A incidência de invasões ficou mais intensa com o aumento populacional a partir da migração de pessoas de municípios do&nbsp;interior&nbsp;para capital, além dos migrantes que vieram de outros estados em busca de trabalho e melhores oportunidades de vida em Manaus, após o&nbsp;''boom''&nbsp;da&nbsp;industrialização.<span style="font-size: 10.8333px;"></span>Por outro lado, há indícios também da existência de grilagem de terras. Um mercado criminoso de comercialização de terras ocupadas irregularmente, que segundo a polícia, pode está ligado ao&nbsp;crime organizado.
In 350 years, Manaus achieved development, but uncontrolled and unplanned growth caused a series of environmental problems in the city. Several areas of Manaus emerged and became neighborhoods after public and private lands were invaded. This historical problem was triggered by the lack of popular housing. The incidence of invasions intensified with the increase in the population due to the migration of people from municipalities in the interior to the capital, as well as migrants who came from other states in search of work and better life opportunities in Manaus, after the industrialization boom. On the other hand, there are also indications of land grabbing, a criminal market for the illegal occupation of land, which, according to the police, may be linked to organized crime.

Segundo dados do&nbsp;Ministério das Cidades, o município apresentava até 2006 um&nbsp;''déficit''&nbsp;de aproximadamente 68.483 unidades habitacionais.&nbsp;Isto equivaleria, segundo tais pesquisas, a aproximadamente 300 mil cidadãos sem acesso à habitação formal ou em habitações precárias.&nbsp;Segundo dados&nbsp;IBGE&nbsp;de 2010, o bairro&nbsp;Cidade de Deus&nbsp;é o que apresenta o maior número de favelas, com 10.559 habitações em áreas carentes.
According to data from the Ministry of Cities, the municipality had a deficit of approximately 68,483 housing units until 2006. This would mean, according to such research, approximately 300,000 citizens without access to formal housing or living in precarious housing. According to IBGE data from 2010, the Cidade de Deus neighborhood has the highest number of favelas, with 10,559 dwellings in deprived areas.

Urbanistas e estudiosos das questões urbanas em Manaus apontam a região entre os&nbsp;rios&nbsp;Solimões&nbsp;e&nbsp;Negro, além do igarapé do Mindu, como a área urbana na qual historicamente a&nbsp;prefeitura&nbsp;atuou com maior rigor e com maior planejamento por parte do&nbsp;poder público, assim como a área no qual o poder público mais investiu, sendo também esta a&nbsp;região&nbsp;onde se encontra a maioria dos&nbsp;bairros&nbsp;com melhores&nbsp;indicadores sociais&nbsp;da cidade.&nbsp;Esta região tem perdido população e apresentado uma densidade demográfica cada vez menor, apesar de ser região da cidade com maior índice de infraestrutura e equipamentos sociais.&nbsp;As populações de mais baixa renda e criminosos, acabam assim invadindo as áreas nas bordas do município, mais desprovidas de&nbsp;infraestrutura.<span style="font-size: 10.8333px;"></span>É válido mencionar, entretanto, que mesmo dentro da área delimitada por esses rios há algumas regiões de exclusão social, como a favela da&nbsp;Ceasa, no bairro&nbsp;Mauazinho. Por outro lado, há também alguns núcleos de alta renda como&nbsp;Flores,&nbsp;Parque 10 de Novembro,&nbsp;Cidade Nova&nbsp;e os condomínios do&nbsp;Tarumã, que estão localizados fora da área delimitada por esses rios.
Urban planners and scholars of urban issues in Manaus point to the region between the Solimões and Negro rivers, as well as the Mindu igarapé, as the urban area in which the city government historically acted with greater rigor and planning, and where the government invested the most, and where most neighborhoods with better social indicators are located. This region has lost population and presented an increasingly lower population density, despite being the region of the city with the highest infrastructure and social equipment index. The lower-income populations and criminals thus end up invading the areas on the outskirts of the municipality, which are more deprived of infrastructure. It is worth mentioning, however, that even within the area delimited by these rivers, there are some regions of social exclusion, such as the Ceasa favela, in the Mauazinho neighborhood. On the other hand, there are also some high-income nuclei such as Flores, Parque 10 de Novembro, Cidade Nova, and the Tarumã condominiums, which are located outside the area delimited by these rivers.

Mas outros especialistas lembram que a área da&nbsp;Avenida Torquato Tapajós&nbsp;era pouco habitada, devido ao terreno encharcado e insalubre daquela região próximo ao fim da área urbana. A população construía suas moradias no bairro situado mais acima, a&nbsp;Santa Etelvina.&nbsp;A ocupação da avenida se processou após ocorrerem investimentos imobiliários particulares que consistiam na construção de diversos condomínios e escritórios, que mudaram o perfil daquela região.&nbsp;O Instituto Municipal de Planejamento Urbano (Implurb) e o Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional (Iphan) firmaram um termo com o objetivo de viabilizar projetos de infraestrutura para Manaus, sobretudo para o programa de revitalização do Centro de Manaus.
But other specialists remember that the area of Avenida Torquato Tapajós was sparsely populated due to the marshy and unhealthy terrain near the end of the urban area. The population built their homes in the neighborhood located above, Santa Etelvina. The occupation of the avenue took place after private real estate investments occurred, consisting of the construction of several condominiums and offices that changed the profile of that region. The Municipal Institute of Urban Planning (Implurb) and the Institute of National Historic and Artistic Heritage (Iphan) signed an agreement aimed at making infrastructure projects viable for Manaus, especially for the revitalization program of the Center of Manaus.

Devido à crescente degradação do centro da cidade, alguns projetos de reurbanização, requalificação e revitalização têm sido sugeridos. Bairros situados fora do centro expandido como&nbsp;Japiim, que anos atrás abrigavam uma população pobre e operária, e nos quais há poucos anos havia falta de infraestrutura, sofreram uma grande mudança econômica. Hoje tais bairros dispõem de equipamentos comerciais e de algum investimento infraestrutural. Outros estudiosos creditam ao grande crescimento econômico ocorrido na&nbsp;década de 1970&nbsp;(apelidado de "milagre econômico") e com a chegada de milhares de migrantes à procura de melhores condições de vida a causa dos problemas de ocupações irregulares na cidade.
Due to the growing degradation of the city center, some urbanization, requalification, and revitalization projects have been suggested. Neighborhoods located outside the expanded center, such as Japiim, which years ago housed a poor and working population and had little infrastructure, have undergone significant economic change. Today, such neighborhoods have commercial equipment and some infrastructure investment. Other scholars attribute the problems of irregular occupations in the city to the large economic growth that occurred in the 1970s (nicknamed the "economic miracle") and the arrival of thousands of migrants seeking better living conditions.

O&nbsp;abastecimento de água&nbsp;na cidade é realizado pela empresa Águas de Manaus. A companhia tem trabalhado com o objetivo de universalizar o abastecimento de água, além de ampliar o acesso ao esgotamento sanitário, dos atuais 35% para 80%, até 2030.&nbsp;A cidade conta, ainda, com 36 estações de tratamento de água e esgoto, dos quais 25 estão em operação, duas desativadas e nove sem funcionamento.&nbsp;Cerca de 22% da área urbana da cidade está desmatada.&nbsp;A distribuição de&nbsp;energia elétrica&nbsp;é realizada pela empresa&nbsp;Amazonas Energia.
The water supply in the city is provided by the company Águas de Manaus. The company has been working with the objective of universalizing water supply, as well as expanding access to sanitation, from the current 35% to 80% by 2030. The city also has 36 water and sewage treatment plants, of which 25 are in operation, two are deactivated, and nine are not functioning. About 22% of the urban area of the city is deforested. The distribution of electricity is carried out by the company Amazonas Energia.

As regiões&nbsp;Centro-Sul,&nbsp;Norte&nbsp;e&nbsp;Leste&nbsp;são as regiões mais abrangidas pela reurbanização da cidade.&nbsp;A prefeitura mantém a desapropriação de moradias situadas à beira do igarapé do Mindu.&nbsp;A implantação de um Corredor Ecológico também está em construção no local, obra que ligará as zonas&nbsp;Norte&nbsp;e&nbsp;Centro-Sul&nbsp;à&nbsp;Leste.&nbsp;Manaus é a única cidade brasileira a possuir um corredor ecológico.
The Central-South, North, and East regions are the most encompassed by the city's urbanization. The city government continues to expropriate homes located on the banks of the Mindu stream. The implementation of an Ecological Corridor is also being built in the area, a work that will connect the North and Central-South to the East. Manaus is the only Brazilian city to have an ecological corridor.
Além da dualidade&nbsp;''centro-periferia''&nbsp;que explicita em parte a desigualdade social na cidade, também notam-se pontos em que o contraste é visível e grupos de perfis de renda diversos convivem, como é o caso de bairros como&nbsp;Cidade Nova,&nbsp;Aleixo&nbsp;e&nbsp;São José, que apresenta conjuntos de habitação de alta renda localizados próximos a regiões de&nbsp;favela.
== Veja também ==
*[[Cidade de Deus (Manaus)]]
*[[Fórum Permanente das Mulheres de Manaus]]

In addition to the center-periphery duality that partially explains social inequality in the city, there are also visible areas where contrast is visible and diverse income profile groups coexist, as is the case with neighborhoods such as Cidade Nova, Aleixo, and São José, which have high-income housing complexes located near favela regions.
[[Category:Manaus]][[Category:Amazonas]][[Category:Segregação]][[Category:Temática - Habitação]][[Category:Temática - Urbanização]]
[[Category:Manaus]][[Category:Amazonas]][[Category:Segregação]][[Category:Temática - Habitação]][[Category:Temática - Urbanização]]
[[Categoria:Verbetes em Inglês]]

Edição das 15h34min de 4 de maio de 2023

Entry translated by ChatGPT, originally published in Portuguese in here.
Variation of urban fabrics in the Central-South Zone. Side by side, high-rise areas and areas with low-rise buildings


The favelas in the city of Manaus began to emerge in the late 19th century, as several socio-economic transformations that Brazil was going through and local changes began to cause overcrowding in the city's central area, forming the first subnormal agglomerates.

In 350 years, Manaus achieved development, but uncontrolled and unplanned growth caused a series of environmental problems in the city. Several areas of Manaus emerged and became neighborhoods after public and private lands were invaded. This historical problem was triggered by the lack of popular housing. The incidence of invasions intensified with the increase in the population due to the migration of people from municipalities in the interior to the capital, as well as migrants who came from other states in search of work and better life opportunities in Manaus, after the industrialization boom. On the other hand, there are also indications of land grabbing, a criminal market for the illegal occupation of land, which, according to the police, may be linked to organized crime.

According to data from the Ministry of Cities, the municipality had a deficit of approximately 68,483 housing units until 2006. This would mean, according to such research, approximately 300,000 citizens without access to formal housing or living in precarious housing. According to IBGE data from 2010, the Cidade de Deus neighborhood has the highest number of favelas, with 10,559 dwellings in deprived areas.

Urban planners and scholars of urban issues in Manaus point to the region between the Solimões and Negro rivers, as well as the Mindu igarapé, as the urban area in which the city government historically acted with greater rigor and planning, and where the government invested the most, and where most neighborhoods with better social indicators are located. This region has lost population and presented an increasingly lower population density, despite being the region of the city with the highest infrastructure and social equipment index. The lower-income populations and criminals thus end up invading the areas on the outskirts of the municipality, which are more deprived of infrastructure. It is worth mentioning, however, that even within the area delimited by these rivers, there are some regions of social exclusion, such as the Ceasa favela, in the Mauazinho neighborhood. On the other hand, there are also some high-income nuclei such as Flores, Parque 10 de Novembro, Cidade Nova, and the Tarumã condominiums, which are located outside the area delimited by these rivers.

But other specialists remember that the area of Avenida Torquato Tapajós was sparsely populated due to the marshy and unhealthy terrain near the end of the urban area. The population built their homes in the neighborhood located above, Santa Etelvina. The occupation of the avenue took place after private real estate investments occurred, consisting of the construction of several condominiums and offices that changed the profile of that region. The Municipal Institute of Urban Planning (Implurb) and the Institute of National Historic and Artistic Heritage (Iphan) signed an agreement aimed at making infrastructure projects viable for Manaus, especially for the revitalization program of the Center of Manaus.

Due to the growing degradation of the city center, some urbanization, requalification, and revitalization projects have been suggested. Neighborhoods located outside the expanded center, such as Japiim, which years ago housed a poor and working population and had little infrastructure, have undergone significant economic change. Today, such neighborhoods have commercial equipment and some infrastructure investment. Other scholars attribute the problems of irregular occupations in the city to the large economic growth that occurred in the 1970s (nicknamed the "economic miracle") and the arrival of thousands of migrants seeking better living conditions.

The water supply in the city is provided by the company Águas de Manaus. The company has been working with the objective of universalizing water supply, as well as expanding access to sanitation, from the current 35% to 80% by 2030. The city also has 36 water and sewage treatment plants, of which 25 are in operation, two are deactivated, and nine are not functioning. About 22% of the urban area of the city is deforested. The distribution of electricity is carried out by the company Amazonas Energia.

The Central-South, North, and East regions are the most encompassed by the city's urbanization. The city government continues to expropriate homes located on the banks of the Mindu stream. The implementation of an Ecological Corridor is also being built in the area, a work that will connect the North and Central-South to the East. Manaus is the only Brazilian city to have an ecological corridor.

In addition to the center-periphery duality that partially explains social inequality in the city, there are also visible areas where contrast is visible and diverse income profile groups coexist, as is the case with neighborhoods such as Cidade Nova, Aleixo, and São José, which have high-income housing complexes located near favela regions.