Categoria:Verbetes em Inglês
Por equipe do Dicionário de Favelas Marielle Franco
The Dictionary is composed of original texts (of about 4000 words) produced by internet users, who may include videos, photos, and poems, in the form of Entry Words. Currenlty some articles are aviable in english for foregin visitors.
Páginas na categoria “Verbetes em Inglês”
As seguintes 43 páginas pertencem a esta categoria, de um total de 43.
- Mapping of the tributes to Marielle Franco
- Marielle Franco was killed for defending the right to housing (article)
- Marielle Lives On - Favelas Rebuilding Brazil
- Maré Museum
- Mobilization Front Maré
- Monitoring, negotiating and confronting - the (re)definition on the management of illegalities in pacified favelas (article)
- Mothers victimized by state violence
- Raízes em Movimento Institute
- Residents' Associations / Social Movements
- RIP Subnormal Agglomerations - Part 3 Peripheral Epistemology in the Design of the Census and Presentation of a New Nomenclature
- RIP Subnormal Agglomerations Part 2 - Housing Rights and Favela Stigma in the Official Nomenclature
- Rumors of Pacification, The arrival of the UPP and changes in public problems in Santa Marta and Cidade de Deus (article)