Categoria:Verbetes em Inglês
Por equipe do Dicionário de Favelas Marielle Franco
Páginas na categoria “Verbetes em Inglês”
As seguintes 43 páginas pertencem a esta categoria, de um total de 43.
- Mapping of the tributes to Marielle Franco
- Marielle Franco was killed for defending the right to housing (article)
- Marielle Lives On - Favelas Rebuilding Brazil
- Maré Museum
- Mobilization Front Maré
- Monitoring, negotiating and confronting - the (re)definition on the management of illegalities in pacified favelas (article)
- Mothers victimized by state violence
- Raízes em Movimento Institute
- Residents' Associations / Social Movements
- RIP Subnormal Agglomerations - Part 3 Peripheral Epistemology in the Design of the Census and Presentation of a New Nomenclature
- RIP Subnormal Agglomerations Part 2 - Housing Rights and Favela Stigma in the Official Nomenclature
- Rumors of Pacification, The arrival of the UPP and changes in public problems in Santa Marta and Cidade de Deus (article)